
Every Morning Tell Yourself That You Are Getting More And More Better!






bold and italic

code sample

hyper link

image link

  • block unorder list 1
  • block unorder list 2
  1. block order list 1
  2. block order list 2




First Definition

This is the definition of the first term.

Second Definition

This is the definition of the second term.

footnote demo11 footnote demo22


::: infobox .yellow
    ***bold and italic***
    `code sample`
    [hyper link](
    ![image link](../assets/images/clineeditor.jpg)

    ::: quote unorder-order list
        - block unorder list 1
        - block unorder list 2

        1. block order list 1
        2. block order list 2

    # H1标题
    ## H2标题
    ### H3标题

    [[  First Definition  ]]
        This is the definition of the first term.
    [[  Second Definition  ]]
        This is the definition of the second term.

    `footnote demo1`[^1]
    footnote demo2[fn:2]

    ::: footnote 1
        test footnote 1.

    ::: footnote 2
        test footnote 2.


::: insert toc
::: insert fulltoc 插入目录
::: insert footnotes 插入注脚

::: footnote 1
    This is a footnote demo.

::: infobox [ .blue | .yellow | .red | .green ]

::: code c
::: code c++
::: code shell
::: code python
::: code html
::: code django



test footnote 1.


test footnote 2.


## Links




## List

- **粗体**

- *斜体字*

- ***粗斜体***

* ✨Magic ✨


## Quote
> The overriding design goal for Markdown's
> formatting syntax is to make it as readable
> as possible. The idea is that a
> Markdown-formatted document should be
> publishable as-is, as plain text, without
> looking like it's been marked up with tags
> or formatting instructions.


## Code
cd supercline
npm i
node app

    npm install --production
    NODE_ENV=production node app


## Table

The purpose of this project is to facilitate the implementation of independent games for customers who purchase [CLine Action Editor]. If you like this project, pls support me to buy that cool skill editor!

| Plugin | README |
| ------ | ------ |
| actioneditor | [SuperCLine/actioneditor/][SC1] |
| ui-framework | [SuperCLine/ui-framework/][SC2] |
| core | [SuperCLine/core/][SC3] |
| log | [SuperCLine/log/][SC4] |
| pathfinder | [SuperCLine/pathfinder/][SC5] |


## Reference

- [CLine Action Editor] - Skill editor base on unity.
- [markdown-it] - Markdown parser done right. Fast and easy to extend.

And of course SuperCLine itself is open source with a [public repository][cline]
on GitHub.

[//]: # (These are reference links used in the body of this note and get stripped out when the markdown processor does its job. There is no need to format nicely because it shouldn't be seen. Thanks SO -

[cline]: <>
[CLine Action Editor]: <>
[markdown-it]: <>

[SC1]: <>
[SC2]: <>
[SC3]: <>
[SC4]: <>
[SC5]: <>